With the insane speed at which the third wave is spreading all throughout the world, there is a high probability that you have come in contact with an infected person. If such is the case, the first thing that you need to do is to isolate yourself so that if you have the infection, you should not transfer it to your near and dear ones. This is important to do because even if you have good resistance against the virus, it does not mean that others will also have the same amount of immunity as you to be able to fight it well.
If you have already isolated yourself, then you may be feeling lonely or scared. It is completely normal to experience such feelings as the world collectively battles yet another wave. If you feel yourself not being able to get out of the pit of negative thinking, then you may want to give this article a read. In addition to giving you tips on how to keep yourself engaged in tasks whilst you are in isolation, it also lays down some basic things that you should be doing with all this to feel better as soon as possible. If you would like to know more about these tips, then just keep reading!
- Do Not Forgo Nutrition:
The thing that you can rely on the most to get you healthy as soon as possible is your body and its immune system. For your immune system to be able to work well, you need to focus on getting enough nutrition through the food that you are eating. If you find your food lacking, you can also add some multivitamins or things like Sangsara organic capsules to your diet to aid your body in fighting off infections in a much better way. Eating foods which contain a good amount of vitamin C can also help in such a case as this helps to improve and strengthen our immune system.
- Keep Yourself Distracted:
When you are alone and have access to the news of the entire world which is not necessarily the most uplifting, especially right now, it can get you down pretty easily. But there is a very simple solution to combat this problem. You should make maximum effort to distract your brain from the goings on around the world. A good way to do that is to watch your favourite shows, read your most comforting books or to engage in activities which make you feel the happiest. This can help you to deal with an unavoidable situation in a positive way, which ultimately makes it so much easier to bear. - Do Not Check The News Obsessively:
Another point which ties in a bit with our last point is that you should avoid checking the news or the latest COVID statistics obsessively, multiple times throughout the day. All this will do is cause you unnecessary anxiety and get you down. This is unhelpful as you really can not do anything about the situation then, especially whilst in isolation. This will make you worry more about your loved ones and you will long to be with them. You can keep a set time limit at least once a day where you can check the news, but do not overshoot it in order to maintain your sanity while you are alone and worried.
- Sleep Well:
If you do not give your body the appropriate amount of rest so that it can heal itself in a proper way, you are likely to stay sick for much longer than usual. In addition to that, taking small naps throughout the day can help you to pass the time quite easily in isolation. Moreover, one also tends to feel better when they are well rested. All the things which are associated with the lack of sleep like irritability, muddled brain activity among others can also be addressed by providing a good night of restful sleep to your body. - Keep Checking Your Vitals:
Even if you do not have any symptoms of COVID at present, it does not mean that it will not rear its ugly head throughout the time for which you are isolated. In such a case, it is important to keep certain healthcare devices such as a pulse oximeter and a digital thermometer close to you in order to keep a check on your vitals. Ideally you should check your temperature and your blood oxygen levels at least twice or thrice a day but you can also consult your doctor and follow their advice accordingly. This will help you to identify any infections in your body timely so that they can be treated well before they cause you any irreparable harm.
- Check Up On Your Loved Ones:
Being in isolation cut off from any physical contact with your loved ones and the world can increase your worry levels. In such a case, it is important to stay connected through technology. Video calls can help you to feel closer to your near and dear ones even when they are not around you at the moment. This can also function as a great distraction technique and ease your mind when you realise that everyone you care about is doing well. You may also keep an isolation journal to write out your thoughts which can help you to release any pent up emotions. - Keep Having Fluids:
When you have a sore throat or feel under the weather, your appetite may take a hit. This can lead to you not getting the required nutrition that your body needs to protect itself from the infection it has been exposed to. In order to combat this problem, try having more and more fluids like soups and water. These are the best and the easiest way to keep you healthy and increase your immunity levels. These will additionally aid in flushing out toxins from your body, which can instantly help you to feel better.
It is definitely a challenge to navigate the times whilst you are isolated and fighting off infections. It is therefore extremely important to follow all of these steps in order to feel better and to get healthy as soon as possible. Make it a point to share these tips with anyone in your social circle who may be struggling whilst being isolated.