Haven’t we heard of this trope enough? We make enough resolutions every new year to pick up a hobby, give more time to our friends or just spend it on ourselves, or the most common one that has been up there on most people’s lists at least once, and that is being fitter than before. But have we not seen this story play out on a regular basis, so much so that we can actually vouch for the way that it ends. We start enthusiastically, only to fall off the bandwagon in just a matter of a few days. The trouble, therefore, is not to just begin doing something but to actually continue doing it.
Research has proven that in order for something to become a proper habit, we need to at least do it for twenty-one days. But our motivations run out far before that time period. And what we are ultimately left with is feeling unaccomplished and pushing the goal to the back of our minds until the next year when we write it again in our shiny new resolutions list for that new year.
But not being able to fulfil our health and fitness goals does not in any way imply that you are not committed to it. It just means that you need to follow a few steps in order to make sure that you never default on any new year resolution ever again and wear it instead as a badge of honour on your chest. In this article, we list down a few ways that will not only help you in fulfilling your fitness and health goals for the time being but will also aid you in maintaining these for years to come. Check out these tips that we have specially curated for you below:
Nourishing Your Body With The Right Kind Of Foods:
Nothing in life is as precious as our health and it is often said that the importance of good health is realised right when you get sick and lose it. Very similar to the situation when you never notice your breathing normally, but when you have a cold, every breath seems precious but laboured. Eating food is the fuel that our body needs to run properly. Therefore, it becomes insanely important to understand what goes into our body and if it is adequate for our general wellbeing. Our food may not provide us with all the necessary nutrients which is why understanding our food groups and adding deficient ones to our diet is of utmost importance. But multivitamins can also do the trick in the case your food may not be able to fulfil all your requirements for a healthy mind and body.
Avoid Bingeing On Anything, Be It Food Or TV:
We all have heard this quote of “The excess of everything is bad” numerous times in our life. But the real question stands, do we actually follow it in our lives? As access to content and food has become so rampant in our times, we are almost spoilt for choice. So we try to take in more than what is good for our body so that we do not end up missing anything. Mindless bingeing on food while watching content is also extremely detrimental to our health. Therefore, it is always a better idea to indulge in everything, but in moderation.
Set Proper Time Frames For Everything:
Not having set schedules for your day can make you more lethargic and you end up accomplishing much less in a day than you had initially anticipated. This causes unnecessary stress where it can be easily avoided by becoming a little more planned and setting strict time frames for all important activities in your day. Research has also proven that procrastination also reduces by a large extent when you plan out your day better. Following these time tables can bring about such a positive change in your life that you yourself will be extremely surprised by the results.
Make Habit Trackers For Habits That You Want To Imbibe:
Habit trackers are the new trend that many people are swearing by these days and for good reason. Habit trackers basically help you to make a list of all the habits that you want to imbibe but have always found it difficult to do. Then you just track how much you were able to follow these over the time of a few days and you can course-correct accordingly. This also serves to be more effective as this creates accountability and people are more tempted to follow through with these habits like drinking more water or waking up earlier etc.
Start With Just Moving Around, Then Transition Into Proper Workouts:
We have seen many people around us (we ourselves maybe one of them) who start working out with a bang but are not able to continue it because they get burnt out in a matter of days. This happens especially when the body is not used to such heavy workouts in the first place. The body takes time to get stronger and it is always a good idea to ease your body into working out regularly. You will be more inclined to follow through with it then. Walk around initially, then start jogging, then running. This can help you avoid injuries as well (there are enough hot and cool packs in the market to give instant relief to your muscles if they indeed do become fatigued).
Do Not Compromise On Sleep:
Sleeping at least seven to eight hours a day can really make a difference to your health. Your body needs that time to relax and heal so that you can wake up the next day feeling energised and happier than before. While staying up late seems tempting, but the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep far outweigh the temptations.
As we have seen in this article, taking a step towards and maintaining good health and wellness need not be a tough nut to crack. These tips will start you off on the right track to becoming healthier in the long run.