Top Tips And Habits For A Healthy Winter Season Which Actually Work

Dr. Odin
6 min readJan 26, 2022

Winter is not the easiest season to get by. This is especially true if you live in a place which has a cold climate throughout the winter months. Even though you obviously can not do much about the dropping temperatures outside, you can at least try to follow a few tips and tricks which have been proven to ease your winter season, a bit at the very least. In addition to the cool air circling all around during this season, it is also prominent for being the cold and flu season. In addition to all this, COVID 19 has still not let up and is wreaking havoc in its third wave.

In such dire circumstances, it becomes imperative to take good care of our overall health and wellness in order to not fall sick. Even if you have already fallen sick, do not worry. You can still make good use of this article by following these tips and tricks to feel better as soon as possible. If you find yourself struggling with navigating well through the winter months which are usually cold and miserable, then you have come to the right place. Read the full article to get the best tips for maintaining your health right now.

  • Make Your Bed As Soon As You Get Out:
    Since there is a lot of dry air around during these few months, this can make our skin lose its regular moisture leading to problems of dryness. This makes us shed our skin cells a lot more than usual. These cells once shed settle onto the numerous surfaces around us. Therefore, it is even more important to dust out your spaces frequently as well as to change your bed sheets regularly. Even though the cool air would want you to snuggle into your blanket throughout the day, make it a point to clean and make your bed every morning to reduce the chances of any kind of infections plaguing you. Periodically sun out your duvets and bed sheets to kill any microorganisms naturally and keep yourself safe.
  • Do Not Skip On Immunity Boosters:
    Your body is usually the weakest during the winter season. This can make it that much more susceptible to getting infected, especially when there are so many infections going around in the air presently. The best way to protect your body from getting sick is to take some immunity boosters on a daily basis. These can strengthen your immune system and help your body to effectively fight off diseases like the common cold. Vitamin C is known as a great way to boost immunity. You can also incorporate some supplements in your daily routine which can provide your body with the essential nutrition which it needs to be fully healthy.
  • Listen To Your Body:
    The winter season is one where many animals go into their hibernation mode. This is nature’s way of protecting them from the extreme cold all around. This is the reason why our bodies also tend to naturally slow down as compared to them being super active in the summer season. So it is a good idea to take it slow and to not tire yourself out. Conserve your body heat and energy. Listen to your body and rest when it feels tired and tells you to do that. This increased synergy between your mind and body will ultimately lead to a better and healthier winter time.
  • Learn To Say No:
    The importance of saying no to bad habits becomes even more important in this season as your susceptibility to getting sick also increases during this time, as described above in a previous point. You can start by limiting the amount of junk food that you eat. Then you can gradually move on and give up lethargy altogether. Make it a point to move your body on a regular basis so that you can take the first step to give up all kinds of unhealthy habits. All of this will not only help your body to feel better momentarily, but will have long term positive effects on your mental and physical health as well as overall wellness.
  • Keep Your Schedules Strict But Flexible:
    While it is really important to have certain set routines as well as schedules which govern your day to day life, it is a good idea to leave some space for them to be flexible. Strict and rigid schedules will only aid in stressing you out more as life is pretty unpredictable and you can not always control what happens, especially in the winter season which has so many festivals happening during it. In such a case it is important to leave some room for the readjustment of schedules and plans to live in a much better and freer way.
  • A Positive Attitude Can Go A Long Way:
    When you do not have access to regular sunlight and a warm atmosphere, it is quite normal to feel your mood go down in the dumps. This is why winters are considered to be a challenging time for many people. If you are also among the people who suffer from this case of seasonal sadness, it is important to remedy it so that it does not escalate into something even more serious. Trying to keep a positive attitude, soaking in the sun when it is available to you and engaging in your favourite activities can all help to dispel this state of mind leading to better mental and physical health in the long run.
  • Limit Your To Do List:
    This is an important productivity tip which most people do not know about but can prove to be especially helpful in the winter time if you have too many things on your plate all at once. If you have a lot to do in a day, do not put everything into one list. All this will accomplish is to get you overwhelmed and chances are that you will not be able to complete all your tasks on time. The key here is to divide your tasks into groups based on their urgency. Then do the ones which are the most urgent first and gradually work your way up all the time sensitive lists. The psychology behind this is that the less you put on your list, the more things your brain can get done without feeling too stressed out.

We really hope that this article was able to help you in managing the winter season well without losing your productivity in any way. If someone in your social circle is struggling with facing this season, do make it a point to share this article with them in order to help them. Also, let us know what are your tips and tricks for navigating the winter season!



Dr. Odin

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