Some Healthy Food Habits From Around The World

Dr. Odin
5 min readSep 22, 2021


Each culture and country have their unique beliefs and customs which mostly govern how people tend to live their life in harmony with the others around them. Within a single country too there can be numerous divisions of people with different lifestyles. With the advent of social media, our world has become an open one with a cosmopolitan culture prevailing over the individual ones. While this has allowed us to become more aware about how people on the other side of the world live their life, our important and unique characteristics are getting lost somewhere. It is important to reconnect with different lifestyles and cultural habits and inculcate the best ones into our life.

There is so much to learn from people all around the world. In this article, we will be discussing some great food related healthy habits that many people around the world follow. We will also discuss how incorporating these in our own everyday lives, albeit with a few alterations, can be the perfect ingredient for a long and disease free life. It is important to mention here that not all habits of a culture suit us well so it is imperative that we take the ones which benefit us and leave out the ones which do not really do that. Read on to know all about these.

  • Say No To Snacking:
    Many cultures around the world, especially the French ones, do not consider snacking as a healthy habit. They consider a person to be rude if they eat outside meal times. The benefit of this is that the French avoid eating unnecessarily through this method. If we fill up our stomachs with useless snacks, it is obvious that we won’t have any space in there for the actually healthy meals which we are supposed to have. This is a useful tip which can stop us from binging on food. If you are a serial binger, it may take a few tries to break the habit but once you do, you will realise that your body will thank you for it in the long run.
  • Focus On Nutrients More Than Anything:
    In many European cultures, it is considered bad to fry food. They believe that food is much better and healthier when it is baked. This method inadvertently helps them to stay healthy as they maximise the nutrients in their diet. Certain ways of cooking meals can reduce the amount of nutrients in the food so it is important to avoid these and to turn towards alternative methods of cooking. You can also get your required dose of nutrients by taking dietary supplements on a regular basis. Salads are also a great way to keep the nutritional content in your food high.
  • Make Walking An Integral Part Of Your Life:
    There are many European countries and even some places in the United States where people consider walking to be an essential to their routine. Instead of opting to go on their vehicles for short distances, they prefer to walk or cycle across that stretch. This ensures that their legs keep moving and protects them from suffering from many dangerous health diseases in the future. You can try to incorporate this healthy habit in your daily life. If you are not in the habit of being active, this can strain your muscles in the beginning, so be sure to invest in a cool pack to relax them.
  • Eat Meals Distraction Free:
    Many traditional cultures across the world were strong proponents of eating meals together with your family at one place. In these modern times, where everyone struggles to find time among their busy schedules, this may not always happen. But the importance of following this habit cannot be undermined. This is because when you sit and have dinner with your family, chances are that you will focus on your meals more and hence eat more mindfully. This can avoid any overeating situation while also providing you with good quality time which is spent with your family.
  • Fad Dieting Does Not Work:
    It is not new information that most cultures, if not all of them, look down upon fad dieting as a harmful concept. This makes sense because this gained prominence only in somewhat recent years. Depriving your body of something only accomplished in making you crave it even more than before. This is because the human brain is wired in such a way that it focuses more on what it is told that it can not have. This is the reason why most of the times these fad diets fall through without yielding any long term or useful results. Focus instead on controlling your portion size instead of starving yourself as that is not healthy.
  • Focusing On Health Rather Than Weight:
    Many Asian cultures believe that weight is not a good representation of the overall healthiness of your body. This is a very true notion as a person’s weight depends on a lot of different factors such as age, height, bone density, water retention etc. It is therefore far healthier to try to reduce the percentage of fat on your body. A great way to start doing this is to get a body fat analyser which tells you the excess fat which you have. This is what you should aim to lose instead of just weight.
  • Making Breakfast The Most Important Meal:
    Most of us know about this tip already but rarely do we follow through with it. It is no surprise that breakfast is considered to be the most important meal in many cultures throughout the world. This is because it helps to fuel your body and gives you that initial push which sustains you throughout the better part of the day. It is therefore important to properly nourish your body with the right kind of foods first thing in the morning. Opt for less sugary cereals and more protein based foods like eggs to get your day started well and provide you with the required energy.

It is important to get information from all quarters and to assimilate it down to the one which proves to be the most useful for us. We hope that you were able to resonate with these points and would incorporate them into your daily life.



Dr. Odin
Dr. Odin

Written by Dr. Odin

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