Reasons You Are Constantly Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night

Dr. Odin
5 min readNov 17, 2021


The effect of a long and restful night of sleep on the day that follows as well as your psyche cannot be undermined in any way. When you are well rested, there is a marked difference in the way you live through the next day. You tend to be more awake and hence much more ready to face all of the trials and tribulations of the day. On the flip side though, if you keep waking up multiple times throughout the night and find it difficult to just simply go back to sleep again, chances are that you will carry that sleepiness and grogginess on to the following day, probably putting you in a bad mood.

It is not always obvious how big of a role good sleep plays in our lives till we face some health related setback because of the lack of it. And it has been proven in a lot of recent studies that not getting enough sleep on a daily basis has been linked to an increased risk of some common but dangerous diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity. If you belong to the strata of people who find themselves constantly waking up throughout the night, then this article is for you. We will be discussing some common reasons why that might be the case so that you can minimise their adverse effect on your overall health as well as wellness. Read on to know all about them!

  • You Are Not Getting Enough Deep Sleep:
    Deep sleep is the sleep which provides the most amount of rest to your body and mind. Even though we sleep for a number of hours at once, it does not necessarily mean that all of those hours will impart us deep sleep. Usually the number of deep sleep hours you get are just a couple as compared to normal sleeping hours. It is difficult to wake up abruptly without any external stimulus whilst you are in the middle of sleeping deeply. So chances are that if you tend to wake up too frequently in the night, you are not getting enough of the deep sleep that you require to maintain a healthy body.
  • Your Environment Is Not Optimum:
    The human body requires a certain level of comfort to get the aforementioned deep sleep on a regular basis. This comfort usually comes from the kind of environment that you tend to sleep in on a regular basis. Having an optimum sleep environment prevents you from getting broken sleep. This can include noiseless rooms with no bright lights. In addition to this, things like temperature also make a huge difference. For example, if it is peak summer and you feel too hot, it is better to cool down your room with an air conditioner to sleep well. Or if it is the winter season, use an electric bed warmer to prevent yourself from feeling cold and uncomfortable.
  • You Are Stressed:
    This is no news that stress effectively ruins your sleep cycle. While it is a part of life to deal with a normal amount of stress every once in a while, if that is a constant state of mind for you, this can have an irrevocable detrimental impact on your long term health. Even if the stress is inevitable and can not be shaken off because of the nature of your job, you should always make it a point to not take it to bed with you. Draw a clear line between your work and your sleep. This will help to give you a restful night’s sleep.
  • Do Not Have A Non Negotiable Bedtime Schedule:
    Having a set schedule and routine is important in all parts of your life but especially in your sleep cycle. Setting down a few ways through which you can signal to your brain that it is now time to get some rest is a great way to sleep well. Activities which can help you to get ready for your bed time are things like taking a relaxing bath, doing your skincare, writing in your journal or reading a book. While it is important to form an effective bedtime routine, it is even more important to stick to it and make it absolutely non negotiable, especially if you struggle with waking up in the middle of the night on a regular basis.
  • You Spend Too Much Time On Your Devices Before Bed:
    We all have heard often enough that we should not be on our devices at least a couple of hours before bed time and there is a good reason for it. Most digital devices emit a blue light which messes up our sleep cycles. If the last thing you see before you go off to sleep is your phone screen, you may want to change that habit. A great and effective way to do this is to keep all your devices away from your bedroom so that you are not tempted to check them while you are in bed as this can disrupt your sleep.
  • You Are Not Actually Tired Enough:
    With a lot of us leading a largely sedentary life these days, where we stay at home most of the day and work from our beds, it can be a common complaint that we do not get good quality sleep every night. This is because sitting and working in comfortable and lethargic positions all day does nothing to make us feel tired at all. If we are tired, it is an obvious fact that we will sleep much better as a result of it. The most productive way to tire out your body while not compromising on your health is to engage in some kind of a workout on a daily basis.
  • You Have Caffeinated Beverages At Night:
    If you have a habit of drinking caffeinated beverages late in the evening or at night, you can easily disrupt your sleep cycle. This is because caffeine helps to make our mind more alert and active, which is not really conducive to get a good and restful night’s sleep. If you do get thirsty and want to have something before bedtime, water is a great thing to have. You can alternatively also drink chamomile tea which helps to induce relaxation and sleep.

As you have seen before, there can be many reasons why you are not able to get a full uninterrupted night’s sleep on a regular basis. But it is not always a challenge to manage it if you recognise the problems and turn them around at the right time. We sincerely hope that this article was able to help you out in trying to figure out how to tackle the issues that may be causing disruptions in your sleep cycle.



Dr. Odin
Dr. Odin

Written by Dr. Odin

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