Navigating The Festive Season Without Compromising On Your Health
The festive season brings with it a lot of cheer and happiness all around us. We get to meet our extended families and gorge on delicious sweets which taste just a tad bit sweeter with all the brightly lit up candles and lamps. While it is important to lose yourself in the moment and enjoy it to the fullest, it does not give you an excuse to neglect your health, especially if you already suffer from some or the other major health condition. In the garb of festivities, a lot of diseases can easily come knocking on your door, which can ultimately sour your jubilant mood in no time.
But the best thing about such a situation is that it is quite easily manageable. All you need to do to safeguard yourself and your loved ones is to just follow a few simple steps. To this end, we have come up with a list of such things so that you do not compromise on your health whilst enjoying the festive season. So sit back, relax and read up on all these tricks which can prevent you from landing up in the hospital suddenly.
- Remember To Follow COVID Precautions:
Just because the festive season is upon us, it does not mean that COVID has left our lives completely. Even though the number of such cases are at an all time low these days, we should make it a point to not let our guard down in any way. This virus is notorious for creeping up on us suddenly so it is best to be fully prepared in order to face it well. So make sure to make your face mask your best friend and don’t ditch it at any time, especially when you are around crowds. Also keep a sanitizer handy to curb the spread of any kind of infection during such times.
- Manage Your Breathing Problems:
If you regularly suffer from breathing problems or are just more susceptible to them due to a family history, the festive time can spell trouble for you, especially if you do not take good care of yourself. You should equip yourself with a nebulizer to aid with respiratory problems. You can also use an oxygen concentrator which can help you to breathe better. Both of these are a necessity in these times as a lot of air pollution tends to occur and this can play a spoilsport in your ability to breathe in a proper way. It is better to be prepared than to suffer later in any case. - Keep Your Eating Habits In Check:
It is so easy to lose yourself in the flow of the festivities and binge on all the sweet foods which are so abundantly available all around. It takes a lot of self control and will power to control your bingeing habit. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to consciously make a decision to control your portion sizes. This will help to satiate you but avoid any binging as well. You can also use a body fat analyzer to keep a check on your body fat during these times. If you suffer from diabetes, it is a good idea to keep checking your glucose levels with a blood glucose meter as it can easily shoot up in the festival season.
- Do Not Over Exhaust Yourself:
Due to the endless number of tasks to be done and an increasingly burgeoning to do list, it is so easy to over exhaust yourself before the festival even gets here. While it feels good to tick things off your list, it is as important, if not more, to take adequate breaks in between in order to rejuvenate yourself. Rest your mind and body enough so that you are able to actually enjoy the season, instead of feeling perpetually stressed and anxious about all the things you need to do. - Use Natural Sweeteners In Food:
Since it is almost impossible to completely avoid eating any kind of sweets during these times, what you can do instead is to try to make all of your sweets at home as much as possible. In this way you know what all ingredients go into them and you can also use certain natural sweeteners like stevia instead of regular sugar. This can avoid any kind of unhealthy binge eating on your part because they will taste just as good as regular store bought sweets but will be infinitely more healthy than them. You can also use these as gifts to give to your loved ones to keep them healthy as well.
- Spend More Time Offline Than Online:
It is no news that a lot of our time is spent on our phones these days, be it due to work or just for leisure. But do make it a point to get some distance from all your digital devices during the festive season. Try to spend that much more time with your friends and family and be actually present, both physically as well as mentally, in the moment. This can also provide a much needed respite to your eyes from being on screens all day everyday. - Use Biodegradable Options Wherever Possible:
Diwali brings with it a lot of gifts and boxes which ultimately have a single purpose and go into the wastebasket shortly after being opened. Try to live more consciously this time and use more biodegradable and organic materials for gifting and wrapping options. These will invariably generate less waste and will be good for the environment in the long term. You can also buy things which your loved ones actually need, instead of sending them something generic which will not be of much use to them. Nothing says care like gifting a healthcare device to a family member or a friend. Check out our range of numerous healthcare products for this purpose.
The festive season is the perfect excuse to get all decked up and eat a lot of good food, but it should never become an excuse to neglect your health in any way. So make it a point to enjoy all of the festivities, albeit consciously this time. Take good care of your friends and family and enjoy the season to the fullest!