Make Sure That Your Blood Pressure Stays Within A Healthy Limit
It is safe to assume that almost everyone these days is fully aware of what the term blood pressure is and what it can ultimately stand for, in the terms of health. But for the purpose of this article, let us explain it in extremely simple language once again. Blood pressure is the force with which your blood is circulating in your body. There are typically two measurements of blood pressure: one is systolic, which shows the highest rate of your blood pressure and diastolic, when your blood pressure is the lowest and is measured when your heart is at rest between beats.
Typically, if you suffer from high blood pressure, it means that your heart is making more of an effort to pump blood to your entire body. This condition is also commonly known as hypertension. Ideally, the normal range of blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg for systolic and less than 80 mm Hg for diastolic. If your blood pressure is above these figures, there is a strong chance that you may require medical assistance for the same. It is usually measured with the help of a digital blood pressure monitor which can be used by anybody. There can be a number of reasons for having high blood pressure like age, hereditary factors, lifestyle habits etc. But it is not impossible to control it effectively. Read on to know all about the ways which can help you to reduce your blood pressure.
- Avoid Alcohol At All Costs:
Alcohol is infamous for helping to increase your blood pressure and pulse. For people who already have a family history of heart diseases or are currently suffering from hypertension, drinking too much alcohol can spell a lot of trouble for you in the long run. In extreme cases, it can lead to heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems. If it is impossible for you to quit drinking completely, you may want to restrict yourself to having just one drink per day. But do keep in mind that if you are at advanced stages of cardiovascular diseases, it will be a good idea for you to let go of it altogether.
- Quit Smoking:
We have all heard how smoking is extremely harmful for our bodies. But you may not have realised that it can prove to be a disaster for your heart as well. Nicotine, which is the prime ingredient in cigarettes, is notorious in increasing your blood pressure by a lot. Not to mention the deterioration of lungs and other organs which it causes at the same time. If you are indeed afflicted with this vice, you may want to quit it in order to live a long and healthy life. - Begin A Protein Rich Diet:
People who generally suffer from a high blood pressure are usually advised to either indulge in carbohydrate rich diets or protein rich diets as both are good for the heart. But we are here to make a case for protein rich diets and to tell you how these are way better than their carbohydrate counterparts. Proteins are known to help in reducing bad cholesterol in addition to keeping you fit and healthy for longer. Incorporating eggs, if you are a non vegetarian, or tofu, if you are a vegetarian within a certain limit in your diet can aid to keep your heart healthy.
- Limit Your Salt Intake:
Salt is known to exacerbate your blood pressure levels so it is good to limit its consumption in your daily food. Make a conscious effort to not have more than 1500 mg of salt per day. This will help to keep your heart healthy in the long run and protect you from certain serious cardiovascular diseases as well. - Lose The Excess Weight:
People suffering from certain heart related conditions are often advised to lose weight in the case that they are obese or overweight. Although, we believe that even if you do not fulfil any of these categories, it still may prove to be beneficial for you to lose excess weight. What this helps in doing is making your body lighter and hence more agile. Sometimes excess fat in your body can put too much unnecessary pressure on your arteries as they try to pump the blood to different parts of your body. You can keep a check on the ideal weight which you should be or your weight loss progress with the help of weighing scales and body fat analysers.
- Exercise Every Single Day:
Moving your body on a daily basis can be extremely helpful for everyone, but especially for people who suffer from hypertension or other heart related diseases. This point in a way ties in with our previous point of trying to lose your excess weight. Exercising every single day can really help you to maintain a healthy weight and can lower your blood pressure by a lot. If engaging in intensive exercises is not your thing, do not worry, as something as simple as just taking a walk every day can make a huge difference to your overall health and wellness. - Try To Reduce Stress Through Meditation:
If you lead a life where you are under a lot of stress most of the time, chances are that you must be struggling with a high level of blood pressure. If this is your story, then there is an easy remedy to it. Try to minimise the stressful situations in your life by effectively planning everything in advance. You can also practice activities like yoga and meditation on a regular basis to lower your stress levels. Even a marginally less stressful lifestyle can do a lot in lowering your blood pressure.
Lowering your blood pressure can help you to live a healthy and a happy life in the long run. If you are a patient of hypertension, make it a point to follow all these steps to take proper care of your heart and your health in an effective way. Do share these tips with your near and dear ones who may also be suffering from similar problems. Also let us know if this article could help you in reducing your blood pressure.