While you may like to sit with your steaming cup of tea beside a window and enjoy the rain pouring heavily outside, there is absolutely no denying that monsoons can prove to be hard on certain areas of your body. With continuous humidity all in the air around us, our skin and hair take the major hit in this season. There is nothing more annoying than developing common infections or rashes on your skin. Or pulling out a bunch of your hair every single time that you put a brush through them. These are all pitfalls of the monsoon season and are recurring whenever this season comes around each year.
While suffering through all of these common body issues are a part and parcel of this season, it does not mean that we can not do anything about them. Preventing these problems from occurring or even just treating them can prove to be confusing as there are so many different solutions available for them online. But for everyone’s benefit, in this blog post, we have curated a tried and tested list of some ways through which you can dispel these issues and have a comfortable as well as cosy monsoon season. Read on to know all about these amazing tips and tricks.
- Eat Healthy And Nutritious Food:
Nothing works to dispel certain common health problems as well as eating nutritious food does. And it holds true in this case as well. The monsoon season can carry with it a host of common infections and diseases which can be prevented by just eating healthy food. Try to limit your consumption of junk or ordered food and opt for home cooked food made from organic ingredients instead. Incorporate a lot of green and leafy vegetables in your diet every day so that you can fight off the microorganisms which may have entered your body. Also make it a point to drink enough water on a daily basis to keep yourself healthy.
- Plug In The Nutrition Gaps:
You may have heard of the benefits of consuming dietary supplements to plug in the nutritional gaps that may have been left over by your food. This is even more important to do in the monsoon season as your body gets more exposed to common infections during these times and it requires the appropriate nutrients in order to fight them off. For this purpose, you can either choose from a host of different multivitamins which we offer or if you want to invest in supplements which directly target certain issues, you can check out the Sangsara Hair Capsules and Sangsara Skin Capsules to say goodbye to all your hair and skin problems. - Figure Out The Root Cause:
There is always a good chance that any health problem which you may be facing can be due to an underlying dangerous disease. Even extremely benign issues such as excessive hair fall or skin rashes can occur due to some deep seated health condition. While this may not always be the case and we do not want you to panic every time you suffer from a minor issue, it is good to be aware of such outcomes. Most issues can get resolved by themselves if they are seasonal. But if they persist, we would strongly urge you to visit a doctor for them.
- Prefer Using Organic Products:
Your skin or hair issues can simply be an effect of the kind of products which you use on them on a regular basis. If your skin and hair products are loaded with harsh chemicals, chances are that they can lead to common health problems. These chemicals can also react with your skin or hair in a bad way leading to some adverse consequences which would then require medical attention. Hence, it is always the safest bet to use products which are made from completely organic ingredients on your body to avoid facing any issues from artificial substances. - Moisturise Your Body Every Day:
With the change in season and the unpredictability of the weather every single day, your hair and skin can go haywire and it can be a task to manage them during these times. A common problem which tends to occur in such a case is of your skin becoming flaky or dry, apart from other similar and numerous skin issues. A great way to combat these problems is to make it a point to moisturise your body every single day without fail. This will help to keep your skin healthy and hydrated for long. Also, if your hair feels dry and limp, you can try using a mild conditioner after you shampoo every time.
- Maintain Good Hygiene Practices:
The rainy season can bring with it an excessive amount of humidity and undue dampness in the air. Also, the incessant and unpredictable rains can catch you off guard many times during this season. If you are not careful enough and do not make it a point to maintain good hygiene practices, there is a good chance of you suffering from fungal diseases or common colds. Therefore it is extremely important to take extra care of yourself during these times. For instance, if you get wet, take a bath and dry yourself off as soon as it is possible for you to avoid any kind of diseases. You should also take a bath every day without fail and not wear clothes which are damp or haven’t fully dried. - Boost Your Immunity:
With the advent of the rainy season, the chances of one suffering from common health problems like common colds, fevers and sinus infections increases manifold. While it may be unavoidable to be completely safe from being exposed to certain disease inducing microorganisms, it is not that hard to manage your health in spite of being exposed to them. Boosting your body’s immune system is supremely important in such a case and a good way to do that is to consume multivitamins on a daily basis. These can help to provide your body with all of the numerous nutrients which it requires in order to fight off any prospective infections.
The rainy season is not a hard one to manoeuvre health wise just if you are careful and make it a point to follow all of the tips which have been listed in this article. We hope that you stay safe and healthy so that you are able to enjoy this season to the fullest. Also, do let us know if these tips worked for you and share them with your near and dear ones if you found them helpful.