With everything that is going on around us and in the world, more and more people have become insomniacs these days. Numerous studies have shown that due to the pandemic induced anxiety as well as the added stress of not being able to live our lives the way we were so used to before, many youngsters and middle aged people are finding it kind of hard to get some shut eye time in the night. Lack of adequate sleep is dangerous as it makes us irritable plus low on energy throughout the day superficially and reduces our body’s immunity internally, which is so important to keep us healthy with the pandemic surging all around us.
If you do relate to the problem of insomnia every single night, then you have come to the right place. We are going to discuss some easy but effective ways which can help you to fall asleep faster and not only that, but also aid in giving you a restful night’s sleep. So all of you insomniacs get your pillows and your blankets out, switch off the lights and get ready to have a deep sleep! Read the full article below to know all about these tips and tricks.
- Being Hygienic Helps:
This may not seem like such an important point to you but you will be surprised to know about how much of a difference doing this on a regular basis actually makes. Make it a point to take a shower and change your clothes before bed time. This can help you to wash off the stress and the anxiety of the entire day and you will eventually be able to sleep better. Also, make it a habit to periodically change your bed sheets after every few days as these can collect some microorganisms, dust and your sweat over time. All of these can hamper you from having a good sleep.
- Disconnect From Your Phone:
It may seem like a good idea to you to check your phone before bed time to see what is going on in the world, but due to the extreme deluge of distressing news all around us these days, it would be much better for you to not indulge in this activity at all. While it is difficult to avoid consuming worrying statistics or news throughout the day, try to disconnect and step back from such things especially in the evening hours so that your stress and anxiety are not at their peaks when you are going off to sleep. - Create Something With Your Hands:
Since everything is largely functioning virtually these days, it is more important now than ever before to demarcate a set time when you do not look at your devices and try to indulge in something creative instead. Putting some time aside every single day to make something physically like painting or cooking can spark a sense of accomplishment which can help to put your mind at ease. Things like workouts can also aid in tiring out your body so that you can fall asleep faster in the night.
- Check In With Your Loved Ones:
It is an age old fact that most of our anxiety and hence the insomnia which is a result of it is caused due to worrying about uncertainties. But unfortunately we all are living in a time where there are uncertainties in abundance causing us to lose our sleep. Therefore, in order to reduce insomnia you need to reduce these uncertainties too as much as possible. While this may not be true in the case of anxieties relating to the pandemic itself, you can try to be in the know of the health of all your near and dear ones. Stay in contact with them as much as possible during these hard times. - Do Not Switch Up Your Meal Times:
Due to working from home and increasingly flexible schedules these days, the daily set routine has gone for a toss. Routines are changing on a day to day basis and way too frequently for most of us. While this may not seem like a problem which is directly related to insomnia but it is. Leading a life without a set daily routine can lead to the feeling of loss of control creeping in leading to increased anxieties and hence lesser sleep. Make it a point to wake up and sleep at a particular time. Also, do not switch up your meal times as that can have an adverse effect on your body.
- Invest In Some Healthcare Devices:
Another point which kind of ties in with some of our previous points is of keeping a close check on our health and wellbeing to reduce any anxieties related to that at least. Knowing that there is nothing wrong with your health can reduce your anxiety by a good amount. Investing in certain healthcare devices such as digital blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter and glucometer can help you to assure yourself about your health. Also, these are helpful in noticing any discrepancies early on and timely contacting your doctor to get medical aid as a result of it. - Reduce Unplanned Naps In The Daytime:
Another detriment to sleeping peacefully at night is of taking undue naps throughout the day. Your body is conditioned to getting a certain number of hours of sleep every single day and if you complete them through afternoon naps, you are bound to feel more awake and less likely to sleep at night. Another hurdle in getting a restful night’s sleep is consuming caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee in the later hours of the day. If you struggle with insomnia on a regular basis, you may want to skip on drinking caffeine post 5 pm everyday as it is known to keep your brain active and awake even after a number of hours of consuming it.
During these tumultuous times, at least our sleep should not be elusive to us. If you do suffer from sleeping problems, try out these tips and do let us know if they were able to help you in getting a good and a restful night of sleep. Also share this article with your near and dear ones who suffer from insomnia!