It is not always an easy task to retain your strength after having indulged in rigorous workout and fitness routines. More often than not, many people who may or may not work out on a regular basis face extreme weakness and loss of strength post strenuous workouts. While some tiredness is a very common thing which is generally experienced post the workouts, if you get so tired that you are not even able to move for some time after it, this article is definitely for you.
Even though we are suggesting some ways in which you can make sure that you do not lose your strength after heavy workouts, if you still suffer through symptoms like nausea, dizziness and fainting spells, it can be a pointer towards some serious health problem. A good idea in such a case would be to consult your general physician or a medical practitioner. But if your symptoms are not as serious, we are sure that if you follow all the steps which are mentioned in this article below, you will be able to stay fit and fine even after the hardest of workouts without facing any common health issues which are associated with such workouts.
- Take It Slowly And Methodically:
If you are not someone who works out on a regular basis, then it would do you good to take it easy and slow for a while. You can continue to do this at least till your body becomes fully accustomed to the workout that you indulge in regularly. Try to follow a particular flow of some workout like cardio first and then strength training, or whatever flow which suits your body and physique the best. But do make sure to follow this flow at least for a few times so that your body gets ample time to get used to it and learns to expect it.
- Do Not Ignore Your Body’s Distress:
One common mistake that most people face while working out is to ignore their body’s complaints of taking it slow or easy for some time. Our body is intelligent enough to tell us when it needs to rest and when it can be worked rigorously. It is important to listen to our body and workout accordingly. If you need some help in this regard, you can invest in a digital blood pressure monitor as it can help you to keep a tab on your heart’s activities pre and post your workout so that you can customise the workout according to your body’s capacity. - Give Your Body Time To Rest In Between:
As important it is to workout on a regular basis, it is equally if not more important to understand your body’s need to rest for some time if it gets too tired. It is not healthy to keep pushing your body to its maximum limit every single time that you workout as this can lead to injuries and other major health problems. Learn to recognise the underlying issues which are associated with common chronic aches and pains. You can also use hot and cool packs for the purpose of temporary pain relief but if your pains persist, it is a good idea to get them checked once.
- Make Sure To Give Your Body The Proper Nutrition:
Working out is just one aspect of being healthy. Another extremely important aspect of health is eating the right kind of food so that the proper nutrition can be imparted to the body according to its particular requirements. Good nutrition comes in the form of eating all the food groups and them being balanced in the diet as well as the body getting all the nutrients, including the vitamins and minerals which it requires for its healthy functioning. If your food is lacking in some or the other nutrient, it is a good idea to start taking multivitamins in order to help to plug in that nutrition gap in your diet. - Keep Hydrating Your Body Before, During And After Your Workout:
It is impossible for your body to function without being properly hydrated. This stands true for the body’s normal functioning and even more so when you tend to indulge in strenuous workouts on a regular basis. And according to the intensity of your workout, you can switch out the plain old water with drinks like coconut water or glucose to help replenish the salts as well which you may have lost during the course of the workout. If your workout is not extremely hard, you can stick with just drinking water as well.
- Try To Avoid Caffeinated Drinks:
Research has proven that it is probably better for your body to avoid indulging in caffeinated drinks pre or post your workout as these can seriously affect your bodily functions in an adverse way. It is safe to consume them a few hours after you have finished your workout but any time sooner than that can make you more tired and lethargic. Instead opt for drinking cooling drinks like coconut water or smoothies which are much better suited to being your post workout snacks. - Make Sure To Warm Up And Cool Down:
This is one of the most important points of the working out manual but a point which people often tend to overlook. If you do not give your body enough time to warm up before your workout and to cool down after it, in a proper way, then that can make your body more tired as a result of it. If you suddenly start or stop working out, your body can get shocked as to the sudden movement or the lack thereof and this can affect your health in a serious way in the long run.
Not having enough strength left to do any other work post workouts is a genuine issue that most people suffer from. But what most people do not know is that it can easily be avoidable if a few simple steps are followed on a regular basis. So go ahead and follow all these steps and do let us know if these work for you. Do not forget to share this article with people who you may know who tend to suffer from post workout weakness on a continued basis.