The summer season is not always the easiest season to get through. This is because the heat wave makes it so difficult to get any work done with the harsh sun constantly sucking out all of our energy. Even though the summer season is at its fag end now, there are still some extremely hot days sprinkled here and there in between the rains which cannot be taken lightly at all. These are the days which need you to take proper care of yourself so that you do not end up suffering from serious health problems such as heat strokes or fainting spells.
While there is nothing that you can actually do to turn down the heat of the sun, there sure are some extremely effective ways through which you can effectively manage the heat wave. By following a few tips and tricks, you can ensure that your body and overall health do not bear the brunt of the excessive heat and humidity. While you would already know of some of these ways, we are sure that you will be able to find some new insights into how to stay safe and healthy. Read on to know all about these ways.
- Spend Afternoons Inside:
During particularly hot summer days, make it a point to stay inside the house when the sun is out. But if that is not possible for you due to your work or any other commitments, you can try to stay in just in the afternoons. The logic behind this is that the sun is always the hottest during the time between noon and early evening. If you are out and about during that time, chances are that it can prove to be detrimental for your immediate and even long term health and wellness. You can try to delay your plans to late evenings or early mornings in such a case in order to protect yourself from the heat.
- Take Essential Nutrients:
Excessive heat has been proven to drain your energy. This is one of the major reasons why many people tend to faint during these times. While you can try to stay in most of the times when the sun is out, it is not always a practical thing to follow every single day. An effective antidote to this can be that you nourish your body with the essential nutrients which it requires to stay strong and protected against the excessive heat. You can opt for sangsara brahmi capsules which can help you to relax and also have many cooling effects on your entire body. Taking these capsules on a regular basis can defend your body in these times. - Drink A Lot Of Coolers:
Making sure that your body has enough water content every single day during the summer months is not the easiest feat. This is because you also sweat a lot more and hence lose a lot of water as compared to any other time of the year. But we understand that drinking only water can get boring after a while so you can innovate by drinking a lot of coolers like cucumber and pomegranate juice. These can help to keep your body cool for a long time. You can also eat in-season fruits like watermelons which have a good amount of water content to help keep you hydrated.
- Closed Windows Trap Air:
A common mistake which many people make is that they keep their doors and windows tightly shut during the summer months thinking that it will help to reduce the heat inside their houses. But what they do not realise is that good ventilation is required so that the hot air does not get trapped inside the house, making it a counterproductive solution. Although, we do suggest that you open your windows when it is not that hot, like early in the mornings or later in the evenings. This will serve the dual purpose of not letting in hot air into your house and also keeping it well ventilated. - Carry Your Water Bottle:
Like we have mentioned before in this article, hydrating your body is extremely important in these hot summer months. A good way to fulfil this premise is to carry a water bottle or a sipper with you wherever you go. In the current scenario, it is not always the safest bet to drink water which is not from your own house because of the risk of the spread of infection. Carrying your own water bottle effectively solves this problem as well. You should also set certain water drinking goals through the medium of apps or reminders on your phone so that you do not overlook this important activity.
- Use Cooling Therapy Regularly:
If you find that you or any other member of your family is feeling too weak or exhausted due to excessive exposure to the sun, instantly get a hot and cool pack from the freezer and put it on their forehead in order to help them to cool down fast. Excessive heat can be the cause of strokes which can cause irreparable damage to your health. For any such emergencies, make it a point to always have these packs stocked in your freezer so that you are able to give cooling therapy to anyone who might need it instantly, without any delay. - Wear Breezy Clothes:
You may want to ditch your synthetic clothes and opt for clothes which are made of natural materials like cotton during the summer season. These fabrics help to air out your body on a regular basis so that it does not heat up unnecessarily. Also try to switch out your dark coloured clothes in favour of light or white coloured ones as they help to reflect the light of the sun, instead of trapping it and making you feel even more hot as compared to before, which is what dark colours tend to do.
Managing your health in an effective way during the extremely hot summer days need not be a very difficult task, just if you know how to do it in the right way. We urge you to take care of yourself and follow these steps to enjoy this season to the fullest without compromising your health in any way.