How To Practice Wellness In The Midst Of Tough Times

Dr. Odin
6 min readOct 6, 2021


Feeling your best physically as well as mentally when the whole world is going through such tough times can be a challenge. More often than not, we let the happenings of the world get to us and this makes us feel low and not up to the mark. Feeling like this for continued and long periods of time can drain our energy even further making us lethargic. Our increased use of digital devices and social media platforms also aids in exacerbating this. With more and almost instantaneous exposure to the news of the entire world at our fingertips, it has become a really difficult thing to disconnect from it all.

All of this tends to take a huge toll on our mental health, and because of that, ultimately our physical health suffers as well. Being able to step out of the house often or going on vacations to catch a break every once in a while are all things of the past now. In trying to face the new reality of our times, it is important to pay special attention to our overall health and well-being in the long run. Here it is also sensible to acknowledge that while we can not change the world around us, we can certainly focus on making our life better than what it is now. The points mentioned below will help you to live a good life, even amid tough times. Read on to know all about them.

  • Do Not Mess Up Your Routine:
    Sticking to a general routine is really important. This is because something as innocuous as a routine may not seem like it can do a lot but it helps to provide some much needed stability to our minds, especially when uncertain times hit us. If you are somebody who lets their routine go very easily, try following this tip and see how much better you feel because of it. Even something as simple as brushing your teeth, watering your plants, spending time with your family at a particular time everyday can help to make you feel much saner and hence improve your mood. This is not to say that you should not engage in spontaneous things, but try not to deviate from your schedule too much.
  • Set Reminders To Do Things:
    Sometimes with our busy lifestyles, we tend to forget to do some basic but important things which can really help to improve our lifestyles in the longer run. If you often get caught up in your work, you can try setting some reminders on your phone for things like drinking water after every couple of hours, getting up from your desk and walking around a bit every hour or even just to eat all your meals at a particular time every single day. These reminders will not only nudge you to do these things but before you realise it, they will become healthy habits and your body will thank you for these.
  • Pace Your Day Well:
    Cramming up too many tasks all at once or all on one particular day of the week can exhaust you pretty easily. If it is in your hands and something which you can control, make it a point to pace everything that you have to do well. This would ideally mean that you should put everything that you have to do in a list. Then you can prioritise your tasks, which means things which are urgent and important can be done in the next few days and tasks which are important but not urgent at the moment can be pushed back a bit to sometime later. This will help to ensure that you not only complete everything in its due time, but will also prevent you from feeling burnt out and putting unnecessary pressure on yourself continuously.
  • Take Long Social Media Breaks:
    While social media has expedited us being able to get a whole lot of information almost instantaneously, there are some pretty major downsides to it as well. Taking long social media breaks where you can detach yourself from your digital devices and actually live in the moment can prove to be immensely helpful in such a case. It is important to tune off for sometime, especially if your job requires you to be online for most of the time. In addition to being a welcome and refreshing change for our mind and body, this can also help us to develop our own opinions and thoughts. Unwittingly, social media influences a lot of our actions and thoughts these days, so it is important to form our own judgments without all these apps looking over our shoulders at least once in a while to avoid stagnating our brain.
  • Treat Your Body Well:
    The practice of being able to listen to our body and finding out what troubles it and what it needs at particular times is no short of an art. Just like you would nourish a plant or a pet with attention and loving care, our bodies should also receive a similar treatment from us. Keep your body and systems healthy by making it work out and pay attention to it like you would a friend. Just like you would take care of a sick and ailing friend, if you suffer from a disease, manage it well by taking your medicines on time and using various healthcare devices like digital blood pressure monitors, blood glucose meters and body fat analysers to monitor your particular condition. Do not jeopardise your health in any way by not listening to your body, instead be empathetic towards it and treat it like a close comrade.
  • Clean The Spaces Around You:
    The practice of reducing clutter around and in your physical spaces where you spend the maximum time is severely underrated. The importance of doing this on a regular basis to maintain a good level of cleanliness cannot be undermined in any way. This is because a lot of studies have proven that if the spaces around you are badly cluttered and unclean, your mind also can not function in a proper way. On the other hand, once you start decluttering, you will notice an almost instant clearing of your mind as well.
  • Engage In Creative Activities:
    With increased workloads throughout the world, life has become much more monotonous as compared to how it was some years ago. Getting stuck in a rut where you do not get to do any creative or stimulating work at least once in a while can cause dissatisfaction and in major cases, burnouts. In order to stop this from occurring, you can engage in certain activities which get your creative juices flowing. These can be things like painting, cooking, writing, dancing etc. This will help you to catch a break from the monotony of life and you will experience a higher quality of life as a result of it.

Practicing wellness in the middle of globally tough times can be hard, but it is not impossible. All you need to do in such a case is to just put some extra effort into following all of the steps mentioned above to live a happier and fuller life in the long run. Share this article with someone who may be grappling with the concept of living a better life but is just not able to do it.



Dr. Odin
Dr. Odin

Written by Dr. Odin

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