How To Do Everything In Lesser Time

Dr. Odin
5 min readApr 7, 2021


Productivity has become a really important part of everyone’s lives these days because none of us have the time or the patience to take a lot of hours in doing things. Not being productive enough can lead to us feeling like no matter what we do, we never do get enough time in the day to complete all of our million tasks in the most satisfactory way possible. And we tend to feel even worse about our falling efficiency because we see a lot of people being extremely productive around us as well as on various social media platforms.

If you feel like you have done everything to be productive and get all of your work done on time, but are still struggling with the prospect of it, you have indeed come to the right place. In this week’s article, we are going to be discussing a few ways which you may not already know about, that can help you to accomplish all of your tasks properly and in a much lesser frame of time. Read on to know all about these tips and tricks which can aid you in staying productive and on top of your game.

  • Use Your Productive Hours To Your Advantage:
    Do you know that every single human being has a different time at which they are their most active selves? Here is where the concept of being a morning or a night person kicks in. But two separate things which people confuse together are the rate of activeness and productivity. While they may seem like similar things, they are not always linked to each other. Just because you are most active at night, does not mean that you will be at your productive best then as well. It is mostly a trial and error scenario where you can work at different times throughout the day to figure out an efficient time which suits you the best.
  • Eat More Of Healthy Food:
    You must have heard this multiple times already that eating good food is associated with increased productivity. Now the definition of good food differs slightly in this case, as foods which can help to keep your brain focused and sharp for longer are really beneficial here. Ideally, you should be consuming more nuts like almonds and green leafy vegetables as they are associated with increased brain function. At the same time, you should avoid fatty foods as they tend to make you drowsy. It is an important thing to note here that your body will only be able to work well if it is getting all the nutrition which it requires. If your food does not provide you with all of the essential vitamins and minerals, you may want to look at consuming multivitamins to make up for the lack of them in your diet.
  • Do Not Overplan Your Day:
    One common complaint that many people have is that even when they plan out their tasks and day minutely, they are still not able to work properly. While we understand that your intentions here are good, the conundrum in this case is that overplanning can actually lead to overwhelming your brain. This can be a major cause for increased anxiety and hence, getting much lesser work done.
  • Try To Work In The Old School Way:
    Technology has infiltrated our lives to such an extent that there are detoxes which are solely associated with being away from gadgets now. Being on our devices all day every day can actually lead to a thing known as digital fatigue. The continuous exposure to screens throughout the day is increasingly tiring out our brains. While we understand that it is not possible to completely be off your digital devices, especially if your entire work is online, you can try to put pen to paper sometimes and physically write out things. This may not seem like a lot, but trust us, it can help to rejuvenate your mind and increase your productivity by several notches.
  • Gather Everything You Need Around You:
    The one major killer of productivity is not sitting down at one place at a stretch. Having to get up after every few minutes can irritate you and break your concentration. While you may have to occasionally get up to take care of unavoidable things, for all the other tasks, we suggest that you make it a point to gather everything around you before you sit down to work. A basic list of things which you can keep on your desk for easy access are: a water bottle, a healthy snack, your gadgets and their chargers, a notebook and pen etc.
  • Give Yourself Realistic Deadlines:
    Our penultimate point ties in with our earlier point of avoiding to overplan. Setting deadlines for yourself and not being able to meet them is a serious mood killer and can make you feel unmotivated. If you are indeed a person who loves to set deadlines for yourself, make sure to break the work into bite sized chunks and allot yourself realistic deadlines to complete each task. If you tend to be overambitious with your goal setting process, make a conscious effort to either cut down the tasks or give more time to yourself to accomplish them.
  • Play Some Music For Enhanced Productivity:
    And we would like to conclude this article with an unlikely productivity booster, and that is music. Hold on, hear us out! While we do understand that it may not be for everyone to listen to music while working, listening to certain kinds of instrumental music while you work is linked with better efficiency. And to make your life easier, there are endless playlists available online which are known to help you to increase your productivity while minimizing distractions.

Now that you have seen all the points which can help you to accomplish everything in much less time, what is your excuse to slack off? Do try these tips and let us know if they were able to help you in keeping you productive and efficient.



Dr. Odin
Dr. Odin

Written by Dr. Odin

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