How To Be Fully Attentive And Not Feel Unmotivated While Working
A common problem which many people face while working is not being able to focus completely on the task at hand. Additionally, feeling sleepy can also help to bring your productivity meter way down. Even if this is not a common occurrence for you on a personal level, it is known to strike everyone at one point or the other throughout the course of their employment. If you sit in on meetings and just keep thinking about when you will get a long enough break to nap, this is just the article for you.
In this article, we will be unpacking some reasons on why this tends to happen to you and how you can mitigate this urge in order to show up as the best and the most productive version of yourself at your workplace every single day. Feeling unmotivated or sleepy usually is not the sign of anything dangerous, it can result from not having a proper sleep schedule among other common lifestyle irregularities. But if this problem persists even when you have reset everything in a proper and systematic way, you may want to consult your doctor to find out if there are any other underlying diseases which are causing you to feel this way. But for the benefit of this article, we will be figuring out some ways about how to remain focused and fully attentive while at work.
- Get Enough Sleep On A Regular Basis:
One should never underestimate the effect of a good night’s sleep on the physical as well as the mental health of a person. As you may have already seen from prior experience, if you do not sleep well the night before, the day tends to drag on and nothing at all seems to go right. You also stay irritated and angry at others and hence remain unfocused throughout the majority of the day. On the other hand, if you are well rested, it shows in your work performance as you are able to stay attentive and happier in such a case.
- Working From Your Bed:
Another common thing which you do not realise instantly but which can have an adverse impact on your productivity is working from your bed. With more and more organisations going remote in the past year, the need for working from a physical office has become redundant for many professions. But it is important to remember that working from home does not mean that you do not sit at a proper desk and work. Not having a place which is earmarked for working in your house can reduce your productivity exponentially. Also, you are bound to feel sleepy as sitting on your bed can give your brain a signal that it is the time to sleep. - Do Not Eat Heavy Meals:
Eating heavy meals can make you feel unfocused and sleepy and it is really not your fault as it is all related to science. The body tends to divert most of its resources and energy to digest your food so your brain function slows down as a result of that. This can make you feel like you are in need of a good nap. The thing to do in such a case is to try to reduce your portion size in meals. Smaller meals can help you stay focused for longer. Also, avoiding certain foods which induce sleep and relaxation like dairy, avocados, chocolates etc can be reserved for after your working hours are over.
- Can Be A Symptom of Some Illness:
While temporary sleepiness can be combated with certain lifestyle changes and slightly tweaking your everyday habits, if the problem persists for a long period of time, it may be a sign of something serious like an illness or a deficiency. In such a case, it is always a safe bet to get yourself checked medically to ascertain any problems. If such is the case with you, you can easily manage your health in a much better way by eating healthy, staying hydrated and taking multivitamins on a regular basis to plug any nutrient deficiencies which you may be suffering from. - Practice Some Energising Techniques:
Feeling a certain way may not always be linked to suffering from something serious. Sometimes the brain just feels a little fuzzy and unfocused and can affect your work negatively. In such a case, doing certain activities which can instantly spruce it up and make it active can help a lot. Some such activities which generally work for most people are taking a quick walk either around the house or outdoors, listening to pumping music which can get your adrenaline levels up or just playing a visual game on your phone. All of these can help your brain to recenter and regain focus in an effective way.
- Do Not Frequently Change Your Wake Sleep Cycle:
You may have heard this tip being repeated in wellness blogs a number of times of trying to sleep and to wake up at particular times every single day. While this may seem like it does not do a lot, it can actually help to make a huge difference to your life. Once you set a proper sleep pattern, your brain picks up on it and trains your body to continue following through with it automatically every single day. This can help to keep your body well rested and your brain sharp and focused to take on the next day productively. - Incentivise Your Productive Hours:
This is something that most people skip on doing which leads them to feeling unmotivated and languishing in their work. It is important to trick your brain into working hard by giving it the draw of things which it likes. For instance, if you like to spend your time scrolling through Instagram, you can make a deal with yourself that you can be on Instagram for fifteen minutes for every productive hour that you spend doing your work, as a reward for it. This can also help in accomplishing your tasks in a much faster way.
Being fully productive and efficient in your work need not be a tough nut to crack. All you need to do is to remain focused and to follow all the tips which have been mentioned in this article properly. Do try these tips out and let us know if they helped you in any way. And also share this article with anyone who you think can benefit from it.