Running is one of the oldest forms of intense workout practices in the world. All you need to run is a path and some trusty old running shoes in order to immerse yourself fully in it. Many people swear by this activity and rightfully so. It is an activity which does not require you to go to the gym or to invest in any expensive equipment. All you need is a will to run and you are good to go. This is also a major reason why marathons are so popular these days. Since running can be a largely solitary form of exercise, running with a whole lot of other people, either known or unknown to you, can boost your mood as well.
If you have never run before in your life, what are you waiting for? It is one of the easiest ways to build up your physique and increase the strength and endurance of your muscles. If you are still not convinced to give running a go ahead, let us try to convince you to indulge in it with a host of different benefits which it provides. In order to see how running for some time every single day can have a positive impact on both your mental as well as your physical health, keep on reading this article.
- Increases Immunity:
Since the advent of COVID last year, building up your levels of immunity has become an extremely important thing. Having a strong immune system can help your body in effectively fighting off infections and diseases to a large extent. It has been proven through multiple research studies that working out on an everyday basis can actually help in boosting your body’s immunity levels. A good way to put all your limbs to good use while increasing your immunity is to run on a daily basis. You can also additionally use dietary supplements to further improve your body’s rate of healing itself.
- Helps To Reduce Your Body Fat:
Many people swear by running as there are few workouts which are as effective in helping you to lose your weight as is running. It not only helps in weight reduction, but aids you in losing the excess body fat which only bulks you up but does not provide any major health benefit. An effective way to keep track of your fitness goals is to invest in a body fat analyser so that you can workout towards a dedicated endpoint. Running puts most of your muscles to use and hence serves as a great daily workout in this regard. - Strengthens The Muscles:
As we have mentioned before in the previous point, running is a great activity which helps in strengthening your muscles. It can help to build their endurance as well. If you run on an everyday basis, your muscles are bound to become much stronger, as compared to before. This is because running engages most, if not all of your body’s muscles. Therefore, running is considered as an active and a beneficial form of working out. If you run regularly, you will start to see a major difference in your physique within the span of just a month.
- Is A Natural De-stressor:
As we are in the midst of battling with trying times, depression and anxiety are the imminent by-products of it all. Instead of turning towards pills and other artificial products to help you to relieve your stress, you can use running as a natural destressor. It has been proven that moving your body every day helps to release endorphins, which are known as the happy hormones. They are great at balancing your mood and help to keep you much more energised for longer. - Helps To Tone Your Leg And Back Muscles:
It is a challenging ordeal to try to tone your muscles without going to the gym. But running helps to plug this gap as you can customise it to how intense you want the activity to be. If you want to strengthen your muscles to a great extent, you can run uphill or on difficult terrain. This will challenge your muscles more and build their endurance. If you do not necessarily want to tone them, you can opt to run on easier paths. Running majorly helps to tone the muscles of your back and your legs as these are the most used parts of your body when you run.
- Builds Stronger Bones:
As running is an exercise which bears your body weight, it helps in building much stronger bones in the long run. This means that if you run on a regular basis, you will most likely have lesser bone related problems or diseases later in your life. As women tend to suffer from these issues more often than not, running is considered to be an extremely helpful activity, especially for them. - Serves As A Good Cardio Session:
Running is the best form of cardio which is out there. Even a small lap of running can get your heart rate up quite effectively. It is way better than working out in a gym as it also helps to prevent you from suffering from certain cardiovascular diseases. It also helps to keep your heart and your digestion healthy, among other essential functions and organs of the human body. You can also track your heart health with the help of a digital blood pressure monitor which is freely available in the market these days.
If you are new to running, we would suggest that you take it slow in the beginning and start with jogging first. Try to run for short bursts and take adequate rests in between laps. This will help to increase your endurance for running bit by bit and you will be much less likely to find it challenging or physically straining. You can also use workout music to help to motivate you to run. Just make sure to keep yourself hydrated before, during and after your run. Do let us know if these amazing benefits convinced you to take up running or not!