We have seen quite a few people who have taken to cycling especially post this period of lockdown that was enforced due to Coronavirus. Being trapped in their own houses without being able to go out regularly as they were so used to before, really affected the mental as well as the physical health of a lot of people. One of the major reasons this age-old activity of cycling that almost all of us have engaged in during our childhood and teenage years became popular was because of the relative safety that it offered in uncertain times.
People who were used to regularly working out in the gyms could not do so even after the lockdown period as the gyms took their own sweet time to open up due to Government restrictions and regulations. Also, as we mentioned before, cycling is something that is quite a familiar activity to most of us, so even for the people who were not as used to working out on a very regular basis, took it up as a largely cathartic and freeing activity.
Cycling may be the newest fad but it has some far-reaching benefits on our health. In this article, we list down a few benefits of this exercise which will make you pick up a cycle right away to go on a long ride or even to enrol yourself in many cycling competitions, races and events that are happening all around the world. Some of the major benefits of cycling for maintaining good health are enumerated as the following:
It Does Not Get Monotonous
One of the major problems that a lot of people who regularly work out face is of getting easily bored with similar workouts every single day. The human mind is structured in such a way that it is not able to stand a monotonous activity for more than a certain period of time. While there is only so much innovation that you can do with all the equipment which is inside the gym or your house, cycling serves up a fun and refreshing way to work out. You can always switch up your routes and locations and head off to explore different destinations on your bike. It does not let you get bored and keeps your mind active, happy and healthy as an added bonus as well.
Does Not Require A Specific Place Or Extra Equipment (Except For A Cycle)
The best thing about cycling is the bare minimum stuff that you require in order to engage in this activity. All that you need is a bicycle and the road (though we do encourage you to opt for different types of safety equipment like helmets, knee and elbow pads to remain completely safe). But even with all of this, cycling as an activity that you can do on a daily basis costs way lesser than a gym membership, fitness trainer expenses and other types of fitness equipment that you may buy for your own house.
Therefore, this is a lost cost but a highly fulfilling activity for you.
Keeps Your Muscles Moving
We as a society have given in to largely sedentary lifestyles especially during the COVID times as many of us are working from home and barely go out of our homes these days. We have become a bingeing generation, which binges on both food as well as streaming websites. This has been causing muscle strains and unnecessary weight gain problems due to long working hours going by sitting in one spot. A good way to say goodbye to such problems is to keep your muscles moving through non-rigorous easy activities and this includes cycling. This may not lead you to your ideal weight but will help you to get fitter in the long run.
Can Become Your Alternative Eco-friendly Form Of Transport
How many times have we heard that our conventional modes of transport are the major pollutants of the environment? While there have been many pioneers and CEOs who have advocated using bicycles to get to their place of work, the majority of the population would always lend a deaf year to these stories. Cycling is not just an economical mode of transport, but it does not emit harmful gases into the air that we tend to breathe in, indirectly keeping us healthier. Moreover, other issues that you face with private vehicles and public transport like inability to find parking spots, traffic, unnecessarily long waiting times are all reduced when you switch to this eco-friendly mode of transport.
Low Impact Form Of Exercise To Minimise Injuries
Another important thing that we strongly favour cycling for is that it is a low impact form of exercise which is suitable for all age groups. It has a two-fold benefit of being an extremely enjoyable activity that you can indulge in with your peers, family and friends and also minimises injuries. Other strenuous physical workouts can cause major injuries if overdone or not done properly, but cycling is a safer option than all of these if you take proper precautions while indulging in it. Since it does not require a very high level of skill to do it, it is also considered to be easier than other similar activities. Plus, if you do face minor injuries while cycling, you can always use a good hot and cool pack to give relief to your muscles.
Builds Up Strength And Stamina
Cycling is a very good way of building up your core strength and improve your stamina levels. It helps to put all your major muscle groups into motion so that your whole body can remain agile and fit for longer. This is also extremely useful for developing a good level of aerobic fitness. An added bonus of this activity is the increase in your muscle strength and also your body’s flexibility.
Make It As Easy Or Hard, According To Your Mood And Needs
Another benefit of a cycling workout is that it is highly customisable according to your needs and pre-existing fitness levels. You can make it as strenuous as your regular gym workouts by cycling up a hill or for longer time periods, or you can make it a mild enough workout by doing it on a straight plain and for a shorter period of time. Few workouts can claim to be as flexible as cycling is. And if you are looking to workout with a mask, as is the mandate these days, this is quite an appropriate one.
Hence, cycling is gaining popularity these days and for good reason too. So, have we convinced you to pick up this activity or not?